The Consulting Rationale

Today’s challenging regulatory and consumer focused environment demands that organizations be accountable for increasingly complex and rapidly changing requirements. This state of affairs produces challenges and opportunities calling for knowledge and expertise not always readily accessible within an organization.  There are many reasons that organizations need consultants for problem solving. 

Why Use Consultants?

  • Temporary Assistance – When an organization would rather not contend with the training and commitment of resources required to hire full-time salaried employees and does not have existing capacity for short or long-term temporary assignments, skilled consultants can be an ideal solution.  Recruitment costs alone are expensive and often can not be justified for temporary needs.  Because consultants are contractors, there are no tax expenses or fringe benefits to consider. 
  • Objective Review and Analysis – Consultants are impartial advisors who, unlike internal staff, can provide a thorough analysis of the issues without the natural bias of company personnel.  This provides advice that is more acceptable to personnel, as the lack of self-interest is understood.
  • Surviving Crisis – Qualified consultants often are able to investigate the causes and recommend solutions to organizational crises.  As outsiders coming in, there is no wasted energy on blame and faultfinding; but rather a determination to understand, remedy, and guide in a positive direction.
  • Initiating and Managing Change – Consultants can stimulate ideas and be a catalyst for change in structured environments that are resistant to change due to institutionalization and bureaucracy.
  • Organizational Review and Improvement Planning – Consultants can be retained to review, assess, and recommend improvements.  When there is a need for structural or operational transformation, a neutral advisor’s report can provide a rationale for change and often can assuage some of the disruptions that occur when individuals within the organization are affected.
  • Executive and Personnel Assistance – When executives are able to recognize their own limitations, a consultant can be a useful assistant in navigating through organizational difficulties, such as changes in regulatory requirements, changes in management roles, recruiting and hiring of key positions, and mediating conflicts between departments or individuals.

 An expert is someone called in at the last minute to share the blame.
Sam Ewing
What Anam Cara
Can Do For You
By bringing to the table resources generally unavailable within organizations, Anam Cara Consultants can be utilized for specific assignments and activities that will help you actualize your goals.  These resources include:

  • Neutrality.  Anam Cara offers an independent, objective, fresh perspective that is not laden with personal biases or pre-conceptions.
  • Diverse Experience.  Anam Cara works with a varied clientele with multiple challenges that include dilemmas which are unique in the clients’ organizational histories.
  • Diagnostic Skill.  Anam Cara possesses a range of analytical skills and knowledge that enables recognition of the chief problem areas and facilitates plans for organizational solutions and benefits.
  • Focus and Efficiency. Anam Cara can devote undivided attention to the assignment uninhibited by the customary responsibilities of executives and managers within the client organization.

We will always work efficiently, effectively, and within the budget you have developed.