Doing Business With Anam Cara

Anam Cara Consultants will only take on assignments and projects that it is competent to manage. Due to the partners’ unique blend of expertise and the associates’ rich and multifaceted knowledge and skill, there are many jobs for which we are quintessentially prepared.

Initial Consultation

Anam Cara will provide a free initial consultation to qualified organizations. After our initial meeting, we will make a mutual decision regarding how to proceed. If your issues are beyond the scope of our practice and network we will offer appropriate recommendations or referrals.

Cost of Services

Anam Cara Consultants has a variety of pricing options depending on the job and your organizational preferences.

For a Free Initial Consultation

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Pricing Options

  • Daily rates – Anam Cara can invoice half or full daily rates.
  • Retainer – For longer term assignments that involve regular work, Anam Cara will guarantee your organization a weekly or monthly number of sessions or days for a fixed rate to be paid each month.
  • Project Fee – In time or task limited situations, Anam Cara will work with you to determine the extent of the work and an equitable price.